Title: Beekyr Reloaded
Genre: Arcade Action Shoot’em up
Steam release date: November 14th, 2017
Nintendo Switch date: July 14th, 2018 [WW (no JP)]
95% Positive reviews
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Beekyr Reloaded is a shoot’em up that mixes elements from classical shoot’em ups, featuring horizontal and vertical gameplay. It tells the history of Beekyr and its venture to avenge his queen and hive from the nasty wasp queens and their minions.
– Challenging shoot’em up gameplay.
– Horizontal / Vertical stages with varying gameplay style
– Beautiful graphics themed in 5 different colorful worlds
– Amazing hi-fi soundtrack retro style
– Worldwide leaderboards (only Steam)
– Many secret stages including a whole secret world
– Elite world championship (only Steam)
Steam features:
– Achievements
– Online leaderboards
– Trading cards